Thursday, February 02, 2006

Met an Angel

And then I met an Angel -- no ID required -- just is! So I thought to ask what it was like, you know, if I were to attain that state. I had been taught that was an eventuality - potentiality? -- religion is much more confusing than spirituality. I know that I am divinely and eternally one with the Source -- who doesn't? Why this angelic 'stepping-stone' stuff? Or that jazz about their being some sort of ethereal miscreants caught between divine humanity and being humanly divine.

Well, what have you got to sell yourself for, heh?

"I was there -- one of those chosen -- placed to be there. Such pain endured -- chosen. Such a dream seeded and blessed. "Forgive them", he sighed. "I will by choice hang here in infamy -- that others may choose to live -- to stand - to shout -- to sing. I am the son of man -- given for all the son of God!"

You want to be an angel? Reach out! Grasp that hand and help pull him across from the depths of despair. Feel the fading pulse of chosen human attention. Capture the screaming soul suffering the torment of rebirth. Nurture this trembling spirit that said, "I will be their Light and Way". Shudder that man's memory lasts but the instant of regret. Tremble that this dream is crafted by politics and fear into a 'true' calling that limits men to a scramble in the dust!

Want to make difference? You don't need wings. Grab a shovel, a computer, a flower. Say the simple words, "Now in this Light I create thee!" Shiver at the moment -- hear the vibrant song of being! Your touch -- your choice alone has launched a galaxy -- a billion stars of churning, roiling gift of life. Of this you are!

Reach out and say -- I am an angel!


At 3:43 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Purely delightful.

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

One of the lovely things about this world is that you can reach out and make a difference just by tapping your fingers on a keyboard. Amazing!


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