Wednesday, February 01, 2006

lemurian angels

In my visible world the winds are howling, the snow is swirling, piling the snow banks higher and higher. Icy sidewalks and unplowed roads makes walking out of the question and my bones resist every stretch I try to do of my yoga exercises. All this triggers my hibernating instincts. Once more I am reminded of the blessings of my shelter, my home, my warm and cozy nest.

I should be content knowing I finally have the time to do all the things I complain about not having time to do, but my motivation seems to be decreased too. I wander past my computer corner where notes on a genealogy search on the Internet awaits, and an outline for items to be scanned to set up a ‘ Trading Treasures’ booth in the market place await but I do not want to do this. I wander past my sewing corner where a toile tote bag waiting to be finished, but here too I do not want to do it. My art corner also awaits my finishing a project all laid out and sketched. It is a group of geometric sections cut out to place and turn on a color wheel which offers you color harmony possibilities and ideas for harmonious color mixing but here only a glimmer of motivation sparks my brain. Everywhere I walk there are books which I have, at various times, started or grazed through.. I have digested many bits and pieces during this time, and every thought and new idea that I read is begging for more room in my brain to develop. I decide to curl up with the closest book and do bit more grazing.

The book I picked up was not a book of random selection. I am sure it was a direct guided reading, for it sent me directly to Riversleigh Manor, my manor house in Lemuria. Grabbing a cup of coffee and the book, I headed for a lounge chair in the sun next to my tree of wisdom. I watched as my imagination fairy swung back and forth thorough the branches smiling mischievously. I felt an emotion of renewal within me and somehow knew a spark had been generated somewhere deep within my soul. It was at that moment the pages of my book began to flip and finally lay open to a chapter on the validity of angels, written by Thomas More in his book "Re-encjantment of Everyday Life. He wrote; ( and I loosely quote it here) "What has preserved angels in the past are sacred stories………." "Its true concern is not psyche and not human behavior, but the soul" To have angels in our life we would have to have our imagination regularly enriched by stories and images that teach us how they look, what they do, and what they say. The stories written by …………give us a world that is sometimes labeled "magic realism" implying that the realm they explore is neither pure fantasy nor unadulterated realism. They keep alive the mystery in daily life." ……… .shows us that life is not as plain as science presents it, but rather takes turns and finds resolutions to conflict through the unexplainable efforts of spirit and their images."

I do hope Thomas Moore will excuse the way I have extracted certain words from his writing to clarify where his words have taken my mind. I realized once again the true value of our adventures in visualization. Perhaps when we reach the other side we will discover that all we have created in Lemuria will actually materialize, but until then it also is an important extension of our world and just as real as our visual world. In the process of our stories we can take a peek into that deep hidden world of our sub and unconscious that reveals truths we would not be aware of without our journeys and tales. He also mentioned that our children need to hear our stories tokeep the process alive. I feel so much better, and motivated, and to approach my day once more with joy and expectation of discovery. The wind, and snow, and cold have really turned into a blessing to slow down the rhythm of my daily life to a pace that leaves room for the imagination to enter.


At 7:41 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

Jane, I love your term grazing as it applies to your reading. I, too, graze though I have never thought of it that way. And on a cold wintry day what better way to exercise and expand one's mind. A very interesting piece indeed. Thank you for sharing it with us all.


At 10:33 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

This was wonderful, and I do recognize the "What's it all for?" moment, or rather, "What does it all mean?"...apologies if I have misread.

Yes, the hard lens of science wanting proof of ethereal things has now come full circle, knowing and admitting there is more to the world than what they thought. There are some brilliant writings on the subject. I can pass some links along if you need:-)

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

You could be describing my day Jane.

At 3:19 AM, Blogger Gail Kavanagh said...

I really enjoyed reading this, Jane - and what a lovely thought, that Lemuria will materialise `on the other side'. To me it is already very real, and if it doesn't exist, then it should.


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