Friday, December 30, 2005

Under The Pepper Tree

I have been wandering around this wonderful old mansion. It has so many nooks and crannies and everyone seems to be settling in very comfortably.

I have been down to the kitchen and experienced the ghostly presence of all those truly comforting women who had controlled the household over the years. They cooked, worked and gossiped their way through the long days, keeping the members of the houshold well fed and nurtured. It looks to me as though Faucon is going to look after us now with his delectable specialities.

Wandering through the gardens, I found my favourite place - a space to sit and ponder.

The Pepper Tree

Memories came flooding back

-The Pepper Tree-

Years long past

The scrunchy feel of the pink paper casings

The fragrance of the pepper corns

The feathery leaves

And weeping branches touching the ground

It was a safe and private space

Where a little girl could play

For anyone who wants to take a rest, to get away and have some space, wander on down and I can promise you it is worth a visit.


At 9:11 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Now I have bumps on goosebumps Leonie. I will be down to sit under the old Pepper Tree - perfect shade on a blistering hot day like today - to tell about when I lay under those Pussy Willow Trees dreaming.

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

I too can associate with these memories of favourite trees. I recall the aroma of papery peppercorns in the Australian summer sun. Magnificent. The pussy willow was just dreamy.


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