Thursday, December 29, 2005

Not The GreenMan

You may see me wandering about beneath the trees,
my restless spirit escaping from the swing or kitchen nook;
but also by habit -- for I would serve to protect all
the maids within the house -- and my staff is more
than just for teasing flowers...

so, I don't wish to be mistaken for the 'greenman',
of which some refer or seek or dream --
and so that you may not be confused,
I offer this from another blog last spring.
Consider a leaf …
a spring gifted green leaf,
one of jillions that grab and tease
the eye and mem'ried soul.
It is difficult not to see green …
but do you understand it?

You do not see the leaf at all,
but the reflection of light energy
gifted by the sun.
The plant absorbs the rest
called magenta in color compliment,
and transforms it into stored energy
for later life and contemplation.
Thus the essence of a plant
is un-green in truth;
a color shadow of what you see.

In the splendor of fall's death
the green seems to disappear,
but it is only changed in nature
such that it is absorbed by the leaf
and the magenta reflects its soul to us
in gold and rust and amber hues.
By this rebirth cycle we can believe
and ever know of the soul hidden
in the blinding light of day.

Now consider Divinity
and soul, mind and spirit!
Need I go on?
The next time you see stranger
do not be blinded by the reflection
of form and angle and pigmentation;
but imagine the soul you cannot see
but know is truly there by inference.

Here too we are blinded by the Light of God
made manifest in thee and me and all,
while only our soul can perceive
the color shadows of infinity.
Imagine with me a vibration in attention
where all you see is this real soul self,
and the mysterious physical being
is hidden and can only be perceived
by becoming human …

and you ask why you are here.


At 9:49 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

I am sure we will see you wandering about amid the trees, hugging some. Great piece.


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