Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Treehouse

When I moved into Riversleigh, I discovered a treehouse on the grounds. I took up residence immediately in this amazing birds'-eye view of the forest. Much to my surprise and embarassment, I discovered the treehouse was already owned an occupied by a precoscious young girl named Nina. With more grace than her years should allow, Nina insisted I stay at the treehouse. She said "company" is what the treehouse is missing. A treehouse is happy only when there are friends inside.

So I remain a resident of the treehouse with Nina. And, at Nina's request, I am inviting all of you to join us. Nina's treehouse is a joy to see. You will not believe your eyes. It is painted in the happiest of colors. And the rooms are too much fun. I have explored 3 of the rooms so far. One is full of toys beyond belief...all the toys you enjoyed so much as a child or always wanted. Another room is specifically for sending and receiving secret messages. Only one person in that room at a time, please. We have to keep those messages secret. The third room is a place to relax. It is full of pillows and books. Take a nap or read your favorite book or chat with friends...maybe even plan a sleep over.

Nina insists that the treehouse is here for all of us to enjoy. We all have children deep within our hearts and sometimes they just have to come out and play. Come play at the treehouse.

Nina doesn't have a computer and isn't interested in learning how to use one, so please e-mail me for the secret code you'll use to get into the treehouse. Nina wants to make sure all of her visitors are friends of mine.


At 11:31 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Now this tree house is just gorgeous. I for one will spend some time here. Perfect! The playhouse I played in as a child once belonged to a girl named Polly who had polio. She had long gone by the time I claimed it. An image of that playhouse under the tree just sprang back into my minds eye.

At 12:27 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Lovely idea!

At 6:23 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love treehouses.
can't wait to come and visit.
the room for sending secrets sounds so intreging and the the room to rest in is perfect with all of the pillows and books one can wish for.


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