Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Skry Me A River - in collaboration with faucon

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    Mark well the objects found and gifted

    that serve to gather thoughts and futures

    into a medium profound and magick,

    for they can entrap the soul within.

    Use instead Nature’s more simple things

    that can transplace the dreamed heavens

    with the solid, barren earth below,

    and allow, in passing, sense of self.

    The mystic may use a child’s tear,

    a maiden the bright eyes of a lover;

    but I would seek a hid mountain pool

    where the ripples pulse with the Mother.

    I desire no polished sheet of glass,

    nor globe of crystal pure delight.

    Face no picture cards nor scramble bones,

    for answers I seek are of the soul.

    The image I must see is mine alone,

    with flaws well earned in daily strife.

    Of what use is the current of life

    if the lens is unreal in clarity?

    In my skryiing pool – dark of night,

    the Silver Goddess winks in mirth

    and caresses mem’ries of tomorrow

    with a forward glimpse of yesteryear.

    Know that the endless river you seek

    meanders from fear to love released,

    and you can only see deep within,

    vision lit by the Light of rebirth’s dawn.

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At 12:16 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Just beautiful and poetic. It all sings, really!

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Viridiana said...

powerful stuff

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

Powerful indeed, and thought provoking.


At 11:11 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the ongoing comments. I am hesitant to inundate the blog with my drawings but realise I am compelled to get this series out of my system.


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