Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Jumping Fences

One of the first pieces I ever wrote ...

The Post

The fence was askew enough to tempt the strong
to push it right or tear it down,
While endurance spoke of sun and driving sand
and long blights of desert frost.

Three rusting wires remained on the right and left
to offer a choice of passage,
Or to bar the way completely through thought
of risk or some other hidden fear.

One strand swooped low to mix with sandy weeds
and crawling was not allowed,
And many had walked the long way ‘round
and had missed out on hidden flowers.

The firm middle line could be jumped of course,
but only yards and years away,
Though I admit the risk might have appeared less
from a different point of view.

The top strand sagged quite a bit
and crossing required help from the graying post,
and a young man would never have suffered
the jeers or loss of adventure here.

But now I love the feel of that course stump
in my palm that pushes back at me.
For it allows my foot to press down on the barbs
and stretch out my hand to you.


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