Monday, April 24, 2006

The Muse has Struck

I was in the Salon du Muse, minding my own business, reading a poem, when The Muse struck:

"Once upon a mid-night dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore....."

What? Get real. I am really fed up with this whole "feeling sorry for myself" thing. I want to go shopping instead. My goodness, do you really think I sit around all day waiting for some silly bird to drop in and leave droppings all over my house? No, I am a woman with a charge card so I'm outta here.

Now, where to go? Rodeo Drive and Montana Avenue? No, too high-end for my budget. No, this is not just any ordinary shopping trip. I want to swing around Neptune and have a latte with the space aliens, then I'm going to plunge to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and buy some "glow in the dark" antennae from the Angler Fish. (Won't they look lovely on that new purple hat I just bought on Mars?) Hmmm, then it's on to the Philippines to go shoe shopping with Imelda-- she knows all the good shoe stores. Then, I'll stop in Rio and pick up a glittering costume left over from Carneval. (Won't I be a sight when I put all this on?)

When I'm finished, I'll be thoroughly exhausted and will need to head back home to soak my feet. But, just to be nice and because I actually like that old Raven, first I'll stop at Petco and get him a pound of birdseed and a sparkly new chew-toy.

And then it will be back to those dreary books.

L. Gloyd (c) April 24, 2006


At 1:01 PM, Blogger Luna said...

Intergalactic shopping sounds good to me too! A latte with an Alien would be divine!

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

I coming out with you Lori. You sound like you know how to have a good time.
And I do love your opening. Much as I love my Ravens they cannot come inside with everyone else. All that fluttering of wings etc would only cause a commotion.


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