Monday, February 13, 2006

Dream Cottage - Found In My Room

I could swear my Nature Muse has twigs in her
hair and the wind rosing her cheeks, but
sometimes she gets so forlorn, indoors too much.
So -- when I found this beautiful old picture of a
cottage surrounded with nature, hidden behind
the oak wardrobe in my room at Riversleigh,
I thought it would be a perfect valentine for her.
It's name, inscribed on the gold frame, means
"Beautiful Friend" in old Scottish, so I think
that seems right. She dropped a few seeds
sprinkled with earth on my working desk,
before she took the picture away to admire it.
copyright Monika Roleff 2006.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Your Muse and mine clearly have a lot in common Monika. A fog of what I realise is depression has lifted and I took my muse out walking this morning. She is feeling quite perky now.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Too cool for ice blocks;-)

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

The last outing with my parents, the week Dad died, was to the Dandenongs and Cloudhill. We had lunch just across the road and Dad noticed how tired he got climbing their stairs. When Mum wanted to buy a plant he looked at me and asked who would look after it if he died. He had a hollow sad look but I was dismissive and told hime not to be silly, that he wasn't going anywhere. Needless to say I wish I had just given him a very big hug and told him I loved him.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Lois this garden sounds so special! I bet I have seen it. I have been to other gardens up there and it is like being in another world, indeed. You will be shocked to hear this place is more metropolitan, and there ought to be more of them!

Heather, what a lovely outing to have for a defining memory. To see all the beauty. What a gift that must have been? I am sure you gave you Dad a million hugs in his life...I'd bet on it;-)


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