Friday, February 17, 2006

Lunch time at home plate

Lunch time at home plate
Originally uploaded by FranSb.
Heather made suggestions about lunch
so I thought of our summer noons
at the country school: sandwiches, an apple
a cookie and a thermos of milk, all so simple
Peanut butter and jam; cold roast beef;
cucumber (wilted). If you are not a gourmet
please join us in history.


At 7:03 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

How lovely! We used to get milk in the afternoons at primary school, and I sometimes had to be on duty with one of the boys to spike holes in the silver tops and stick straws in for everyone. There was always cream on the top and it was lovely. Those were the days. I remember the smell of the peppercorn tree there too, in the heat. Gorgeous. You've brought it all flooding back, Fran.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

What wonderful, simple, nourishing fare Fran. Beats a bag of twisties washed down with a coke which is what I saw some children having at the school where I worked.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Fran said...

Thank you both. You might like to hear our "tradies" : We storekeeper's kids traded our sandwiches made from "boughten bread" for the fresh home baked kind! No accounting for taste and we were definately the winners.

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Gail Kavanagh said...

Ah milk with cream on top! When I describe that to my children today, they can't get their heads around it. But how lovely it was to take off the gold top and scoop out thick yellow cream. That was my favourite lunch, with a banana sandwich on Hovis bread. Was it ever sold in Australia? The most delcious wholemeal bread you can imagine.


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