Thursday, May 04, 2006

Life at Riversleigh

I am settling in now, beginning to unwind at last from the years of grief that brought me to the doors of this house. The place is working its old magic on me, whispers fill my room at night murmuring "peace" and "love."

I can go to my art table and create beautiful images if I so wish. I can sit at my lovely grand piano (its so so long since I had my grand piano in my home - it languishes in a storeroom until my daughter can take it into her home) and play elegant music that soothes me. I read from the endless supply of books - and, joy of joys, - other people have read the same books and I can actually discuss them!

I have had a couple of evenings just sitting on the lawns and gossiping - I love to gossip and the talk here is of a group of travellers in caravans heading into the mountains in the distance. I think they may be connected somehow with Riversleigh - but the management refuse to tell us anything more so we are left to wonder about their mission and to wish them well.

There is a lot of laughter here. In some ways it reminds me of the innocence of childhood, before the world was made evil for me.......the laughter is kind and healing, not the cruel cynical sneering that contemporary comedians label "humour."

Above all there is a feeling of love in this house and that makes me feel safe. Now that I am safe it will be safe to write, to remember.......and when memories overtake me and I am choking back my tears, I will go and sit in the garden and presently I will be joined by friends who will help me recover my smile and who will gently persuade me back to my desk.


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Management is thin on the ground darling and has more than likely assumed that those who did not respond to the invitation to go to the Land of Standing Stones are happy back at Riversleigh. Cook is still in the kitchen and there are others there to work with. Chameleon for example took one look at the Land of Standing Stones and came scurrying back down to enjoy the safety of Riversleigh. She may change her mind at some time and choose to join everyone or she may stay right where she is. It is all a matter of choice.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Believer said...

Relax and enjoy your room and the company of new friends sara, we're happy to welcome you to Riversleigh, just remember there are always side trips and places to explore when you start to feel adventurous.

At 2:29 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Lois this is true indeed. I loved reading your comments.


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