Tuesday, March 14, 2006

After the Drought...

You may have heard that we in the Southwestern United States have been suffering a drought that just, this past weekend broke. Believe me when I say … we needed the rain.

After the Drought…

It had threatened all day,
but had done so before…
when there wasn’t moisture enough,
and what was, evaporated too soon—

in their wisdom,
said, virga—
I prefer, the raindrops that didn't

then, to my surprise and delight,
a splat on the pavement, then another,
and another

it was raining big
scattered drops
that made circles in the dust.
And that smell, that glorious odor—

as the drops fell faster
and covered the ground
and cleansed the air,
like a gift from the Goddess.

The saguaro swelled,
their ribs expanding
like magic
as they drank in the moisture—

and the birds,
oh, what a racket they made
until, the rain was a downpour
and they hid in their shelters—

I, by this time,
was soaked to the skin,
but oh, what a marvel,
to have rain—

the ground sucked it in,
and the foliage,
used as it was to desert conditions
turned up its leaves, its needles—

reaching for the moisture
that so long had eluded
this land with so little to offer—
and nothing to squander.

Vi Jones
©March 14, 2006


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

I can't believe this, Vi! Just amazing!

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

here in Melbourne we know the joy of rain coming after a long dry spell. The sound of rain is so joyous. Wonderful poem Vi

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Gail Kavanagh said...

We have had rain here recently as well. It was such a joy to hear it pattering on the roof and cooling the garden at last. Of course, we were just starting our move at the time...
oh well, you can't it all ways.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Luna said...

I remember that well. Soaked to the skin after so much drought. This is wonderful!


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